Virtual Deadline

Tools Used: Java, XML, Room ORM, Firebase Job Scheduler

Can an app help deal with procrastination?

Virtual Deadline might not totally solve procrastination, but it offers a solution to work around that!

Virtual Deadline is a fully published android app that is really useful when you have a lot of time to complete a task, but you don't want to procrastinate until the last minute! It generates a virtual deadline for your tasks without you even knowing. It aims to create a suitable virtual deadline - neither too far nor too near the original deadline, just the perfect one.

When you schedule the task!

After 7 hours!

Other features of Virtual Deadline!

Get notified when less than a day and less than an hour are remaining for the virtual deadline. To provide you that push!

color-coded tasks: grey for past tasks, dark green for upcoming tasks, and light green for future tasks

does not create virtual deadlines for tasks when not needed. You just need to turn off the switch that says 'virtual deadline enabled.